Power BI Advanced training

The Power BI advanced training is aimed at the experienced Power BI user…
You’ve been working with Power BI for a while, but feel like there’s more to come from it. In really complex situations you want to know exactly how to use Power BI. This is exactly what we will do in the advanced training. In this 2-day training we really go in depth, so Power BI will have no secrets for you. Power Query and Power BI itself will be discussed of course, but also the popular external tools Tabular Editor and DAX Studio will be covered extensively.

What exactly is the Power BI advanced training?

The Power BI advanced training is aimed at the experienced Power BI user who has been working with it for quite some time. We take your Power BI knowledge to the next level in our 2-day training.
The following topics are covered:

DAX Studio

DAX Patterns

Tabular Editor

Power Query

After the Power BI advanced training, you will have learned to:

Who is the Power BI advanced training suitable for?

The Power BI advanced training is suitable for professionals who have been working with Power BI for quite some time and really want to go into depth. If you have followed our PL-300 exam training you can also participate in the advanced training.